It’s beginning to look a little bit like before COVID-19 out there! People are getting vaccinated, school is resuming, and for many businesses they’re actually optimistic this Summer may help them recover. We think that’s fantastic news.
Here’s more great news for interested businesses: The American Rescue Plan Act established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) to provide funding to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open. This program will provide restaurants with funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business and no more than $5 million per physical location. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023. And you can begin submitting your applications on May 3, 2021. I believe the minimum allowance is $1,000.00.
This round of funding has some broad applications, too. You can use your funding to:
Make Payroll
Pay Utilities
Business Maintenance Expenses
Business Supplier Balances
Operating Expenses, etc… ( lets keep in mind often these funds are forgivable and don’t have to be repaid)
But wait! That’s not all…. RRF can also be used in order to offset construction of outdoor seating. While this doesn’t necessarily apply to that huge pavilion you were eyeing building, it will cover the cost of fun innovations like our Igloos.
We’re rolling out Igloos version 2.0 soon, so we have a few ( I think 3, actually) Igloos for grabs at $999. Our new version will incorporate all season shells and some truly sustainable interior supports. I’d love to share exactly what they are… but you know how competitors are.
We encourage any business to apply to take advantage of the new round of funding. It’s been a brutal 18 months, and even a small respite of normalcy would be a huge boon for us all. OSS is working to roll out some brand new innovations soon. Stay safe out there, and as always, we’ve got you covered.